The following is a guide on how to use 1Price to do localized price experiments.

Experiment Reasoning

Most founders have prices in a single currency (e.g. USD). Optimizing prices across countries will allow you to maximize sales.

By using 1Price to do localized price experiments, you can capture 85% of the untapped market then analyze the results.

Step 1: Add New Price

Login to your Stripe Dashboard. Navigate to Product Catalog then select the Product you want to add a new price to.

In the near future, you will be able to create Stripe prices on 1Price directly.

Be sure, to add a price by currency before publishing it:

Creating currency prices on 1Price is in beta. Interested? Request it here

Then import the newly created price from the Import Page

Step 2: Update Plan & Offer

Build or update a Plan that links to the newly imported price.

Then, create a new Offer that includes the Plan.

Step 3: Start Experiment

Build a new Experiment comparing the two Offers.

Finally, start the experiment and see the Results after 24 hours.

Ensure the integration is correctly setup before analyzing the experiment results.

Need more help? Contact us via live chat or email and we can set up a price experiment together!